We offer a range of Offshore Marine Logistics and Engineering Services with a focus on the upstream Oil & Gas sector.
Employing a fleet of modern and high-specification vessels that are operated by experienced personnel, we are Two times ready to fulfill all your marine spread requirement in your next upstream Oil & Gas project.
Ship Management remains one of our core areas of expertise, supported by a highly experienced team.
Our capabilities include:
- Ship chartering
- Project/ Marine Operations Management
- Ship catering operations management
- Project/ Ship HSSE Operations Management
Our core strategic investments include:
We offer the following type of vessels within our sphere of services:
- Accommodation Work Barges – Owned
- Anchor Handling Towing & Supply Vessel – Owned
- Workboats (by charter)
- Platform Supply Vessel (by charter)
- Fast Crew Boat (by charter)
- Seismic Survey Vessel (by charter)
Our fleet of modern and high specification vessels are specially commissioned to support the upstream cycle.
Offshore Construction &
Two Aaryan & Two Eastwind
Our work barges and AHTS provide complete construction package services:
- Accommodation for 425 personnel
- Catering, power & water generation
- Heavy lift for hook up and modifications
- 8 point mooring
- Helideck
- 2000M3 deck space
- 250 tonne crane
Offshore Supply
& Logistics
We provide class leading services & vessels with
- Large cargo capacities
- Superior fuel efficiency
- Good sea keeping
Anchor Handling,
Towing & Supply
Two Kasturi & Two Lekir
One of our core areas of expertise, offering:
- Higher horsepower for any load
- Drilling units
- Supports deep sea operations